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Beyond the Checklist: Why Men 50+ Should Focus on Life Vision

Harder To Kill #058

Setting the Stage: Goals and Visions

As men reach their 50s, they begin a transformative journey from a life defined by clear objectives to an uncertain canvas (sometimes a blank canvas).

They may contemplate retirement or consider postponing it due to the apprehension of losing the structure their career provided. Whether they had a strong passion for their jobs or simply endured them, their careers established a rhythm around which their lives revolved. In issue #057 we reframed retirement to reinvention and that concept fits nicely into what you are about to read.

Within this transition lies a profound concept that can help fill that blank canvas with purpose and direction: the concept of vision.

A vision encompasses a broader, all-encompassing image of the life one aspires to lead. It embodies one's deepest desires, values, and dreams, transcending the confines of specific goals. It is the art of crafting a life narrative that truly reflects the life you want to live.

Vision vs. Goals: A Distinct Contrast

Let's delve deeper into the distinction between goals and vision:

Goals are specific, time-bound objectives that often pertain to a particular area of life. For instance, a goal might be to run a marathon in under four hours, attain a certain net worth, or reach a certain weight. Goals are concrete, tangible, and typically short-term. They are essential in giving us a sense of accomplishment and direction.

Vision, on the other hand, is more fluid and overarching. It's the bigger picture, the narrative of your life that transcends individual goals. It’s HOW you want your life to be, to feel, to look. Your vision encapsulates your long-term aspirations, values, and identity. It's not limited to a certain area of life but encompasses the entire spectrum of your existence.

Vision Driving Goals: The Power of Purpose

The beauty of a vision lies in its ability to infuse your goals with a profound sense of purpose.

When your goals are aligned with your vision, they become more than just tasks; they become stepping stones towards a greater purpose. It's like a roadmap guiding you towards a life that is in harmony with your true self.

When you achieve this alignment between goals and vision, friction decreases and the pursuit of your goals can feel effortless and enjoyable.

James Clear, a renowned expert on personal development, emphasizes the interplay between identity, goals, and processes. To make lasting changes, he suggests that we need to shift our identity to align with our aspirations (read this article for more on the concept). A vision-driven approach to life is inherently aligned with this idea.

The Complementary Nature of Vision and Goals

It's important to recognize that goals and vision are not adversaries; they are allies. Goals serve as milestones along the path to your vision, offering you clarity and direction. Your vision, in turn, provides the context that ensures these goals are meaningful and fulfilling. This synergy allows you to pursue your aspirations with a deep sense of commitment and purpose.

Imagine your vision as the canvas on which you paint your life's masterpiece. Goals, then, are the individual brushstrokes that bring that masterpiece to life. Each stroke serves a purpose, contributing to the beauty of the larger picture.

The Resistance: A Formidable Foe

As men transition into their 50s and beyond, they often encounter a formidable adversary known as "The Resistance." Steven Pressfield, in his excellent book “The War of Art”, describes this resistance as the invisible force that holds us back from realizing our potential. It's the self-doubt, procrastination, and fear that stifle our progress.

When pursuing a vision, The Resistance becomes even more prominent. You’re too old, it’s too late, I have bad genetics so why bother…all of these limiting beliefs are The Resistance holding you back.

Anyone who has passed the half century mark realizes the clock is ticking. You may have 20, 30, or 40 more years…but will they be great years?  It's essential to recognize this force as a potential obstacle and prepare to combat it. A vision is your force field against The Resistance.

And The Resistance will try to prevent you from even getting started. More on how to get started on your vision later.

Shifting Identity: The Catalyst for Transformation

A vital aspect of pursuing a vision is the need for an identity shift. Achieving goals may bring temporary satisfaction, but it doesn't necessarily change how you perceive yourself or your identity. To truly transform your life and align it with your vision, your identity must evolve.

When people talk about losing 20 lbs and gaining 25 lbs back, it’s not because they are bad at setting goals. They did lose the weight…goal accomplished.

They didn’t shift their identity which is why the weight came back on. They didn’t adopt the identity of the Man who eats healthy food, exercises regularly and works on developing his mind and body.

Creating a vision and the identity necessary to achieve it go hand in hand.

Back to James Clear, he highlights this concept of identity-based habits. Changing your self-perception to that of someone who embodies the vision you aspire to is crucial.

When your identity aligns with your vision, your goals become not just achievements but natural expressions of who you are.

Connecting Vision, Goals, and Process

Your vision acts as the compass that orients your goals and, in turn, your daily actions. It ensures that each step you take is a stride towards the life you envision. Your goals help you define the path to your vision, and the process you follow becomes the means to reach those goals.

Remember that the pursuit of a vision is a journey, not a destination. Every day you spend working towards your vision is a day well spent. Your goals guide you along this journey, and your daily actions become the vehicle that carries you closer to your desired destination.

The Argent Alpha Approach: Health as the Foundation

At Argent Alpha, we recognize the importance of starting with health and fitness as the foundation for pursuing a grander vision for life.

It's a fundamental concept: when you have your health, you have a thousand dreams. When you don’t have your health, you have one dream. With good health, you possess the energy and vitality to chase your vision in every aspect of your life.

Improving your physical well-being is the gateway to enhancing your mental capabilities. It fosters tangible results, instills confidence, and fuels the ambition to chase your grander vision. A strong, healthy body provides a robust platform upon which you can pursue your vision for your life.

You set the example for your family, friends and colleagues and lead from the front. You make the choice to move from intimidated to inspired.

Creating Your Vision for Life: A Practical Guide

We talked about The Resistance earlier. The Resistance is probably whispering in your ear to skip this vision stuff. You don’t need to write it down or think about how you want your life to play out. This is your opportunity to recognize The Resistance and overcome it.

For men over 50 seeking to embark on this transformative journey, here's a clear and actionable guide to creating a vision for your life:

1. Reflect on Your Values: Begin by reflecting on your core values and principles. What truly matters to you in life? Your vision should be rooted in your values. For Men in Argent Alpha, a common set of values includes health, fitness and a growth mindset - we believe we can improve with each passing year.

2. Envision Your Ideal Future: Imagine your life in the future, not in terms of specific goals but in terms of your lifestyle and impact. What do you want to be doing? How do you want to be remembered? We use Dr. Benjamin Hardy’s “Be Your Future Self Now” book to craft our vision for our lives (get your free Kindle copy).

“The only way to make your present better is by making your future bigger.” — Dan Sullivan

3. Set Personal and Professional Aspirations: Consider both personal and professional aspects of your life. Your vision should encompass all facets, from family to career to personal growth.

4. Embrace Flexibility: Unlike goals, a vision is fluid and adaptable. Don't be afraid to refine or even change your vision as you grow and evolve. We have Men in our group who are on version 3.0 of their future self. One of the benefits of being in a group of like-minded men is you are exposed to best practices and success stories and you update your future self periodically as a result. Your view of your future continually expands.

5. Break It Down: Once you have a grand vision in mind, break it down into smaller, actionable goals. These goals should be specific and time-bound, aligning with your vision. To help you achieve your goals, design standards for daily living.

6. Align with Your Identity: As you work toward your vision, make sure your goals are in sync with your evolving identity. This alignment will ensure that your transformation is lasting.

7. Stay Resilient: Expect resistance and setbacks on your journey. Embrace them as part of the process and keep pushing forward. You’ll be disappointed along the way but don’t get discouraged! To learn more about improving resilience, read issue #053 Embracing "The Flinch": A Guide to Reinvention in Your 50s, 60s, and Beyond

8. Seek Support: Share your vision with loved ones, a mentor, or a group of like-minded people. They can provide valuable guidance and encouragement. It’s one of the reasons I created Argent Alpha. Iron sharpens iron.


While goals are essential markers of achievement, a vision for your life takes precedence, especially for men over 50. It provides the overarching purpose and direction needed to infuse life with meaning and fulfillment. Remember, your vision is your compass, and your goals are the steps on your journey towards a richer, more rewarding life. Embrace your vision, and let it be the driving force that propels you forward.

If you are a man over 50, complete this free health assessment to learn how Hard To Kill you are. 

If you want to improve your score, take the next step and visit Argent Alpha.

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