How To Make 2024 Your Best Year Ever

Harder To Kill #065

Another end-of-year, New Year's resolution newsletter? Negatory good buddy.

How about a corporate approach to planning your 2024? Gag.

How about a fun, easy to implement guide to make 2024 your best year ever? In.

Today I’m going to share the most popular tools the Men of Argent Alpha are using to create their best year ever in 2024.

It was Jim Rohn who said “Don’t start your day until you have it finished on paper first.” We use that rule in our morning routine (which we call pre-game planning).

I’m going to take some liberty with Mr. Rohn’s quote:

“Don’t start your year until you have it planned on paper first.”

As you read through the 3 methods I’ll share below, consider this your invitation to implement at least one of them. 

Downside of trying one of the methods? None.

Upside of trying one of the methods? Potentially having your best year ever.

And if you want to go pro with this process, use all three. They work together synergistically with zero redundancy.

Keep this quote in mind as you go through this process:  "The only way to make your present better is by making your future bigger." - Dan Sullivan

Let’s make our future bigger.

Before we get to the methods, let’s cover a few things to consider as you conduct this process.

Why We Do It

If you don't know where you are going, how do you know when you arrive? Planning isn't about rigidly controlling every aspect of your life; it's about creating a roadmap that guides you, sparks ideas and generates excitement for the coming year. 

Another reason I do it is I have 14,983 days to live - assuming I live to 100. That’s 492 months + a week. That sounds like a lot of time but when you think about it, next year is 12 of those 492 months and it starts feeling a bit closer. 

But what if I’m off? What if I assumed I only had a year to live. All of a sudden the planning process changes…a lot.

So a big reason we do planning is because of a saying we use internally:

Memento Mori - meaning “remember that you must die.” 

The idea is not to dwell on the morbid aspects of mortality but rather to use the awareness of one's own mortality as a means of gaining perspective on life and prioritizing what truly matters.

Memento Mori…but not today and not next year if I can help it. I’ve got a lot of things I want to accomplish.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Before diving into the methods we recommend, let's be mindful of the pitfalls that can derail our planning efforts:

  • Getting Too Detailed: While planning is essential, getting bogged down in minute details can lead to frustration and burnout. Keep it high-level and focused on your priorities.

  • Overthinking the Process: Overanalyzing every decision can paralyze you. Trust your instincts and don't let perfectionism hinder progress.

  • Burning Out: Planning for the entire year in one go can be overwhelming. Pace yourself, and remember, it's about progress, not perfection.

Methods We Use

We are going to cover 3 methods popular with the Men of Argent Alpha:

  • Jesse Itzler's Planning Approach

  • 3 Words Exercise by Chris Brogan

  • 12 Week Year by Brian Moran

Here we go…

Jesse Itzler's Planning Approach

As we step into the promising expanse of 2024, entrepreneur and life enthusiast Jesse Itzler offers a unique and refreshing perspective on how to not only set goals but also craft a year that's light, purposeful, and filled with growth.

Declutter for Clarity:

Itzler's first piece of advice is to enter the new year with a sense of lightness by decluttering your life. This doesn't just mean tidying up your physical space, although that's a great place to start. Take a moment to clean your desk, organize your closet, and clear out the digital cobwebs in your inbox. The physical act of decluttering extends to the mental realm, providing a fresh perspective and allowing you to approach the year with a clear mind.

Embark on a Misogi:

A central theme in Itzler's approach is the concept of a "misogi" – a challenging, life-affirming experience. This could be anything from a physical fitness challenge to a mental or spiritual endeavor that pushes your boundaries. By intentionally seeking out discomfort, you not only prove your resilience but also open doors to new perspectives and opportunities.

Kevin's Rule: Six Mini-Adventures:

Itzler introduces "Kevin's rule," a playful concept involving six mini-adventures (one every two months) throughout the year. These need not be grand undertakings; instead, they are small, intentional excursions that inject a sense of adventure and novelty into your routine. Whether it's trying a new hobby, exploring a nearby town, or even learning a new skill, these mini-adventures add spice to your life and keep monotony at bay. 

Half the fun is doing the research, scheduling the mini-adventure and anticipating it!

Quarterly Life-Enhancing Habits:

To ensure continuous growth and improvement, Itzler recommends embracing the idea of adding one life-enhancing habit every quarter. This gradual approach allows for sustainable change, making it easier to incorporate positive habits into your routine. Whether it's a new fitness routine, a mindfulness practice, or a focus on personal development, these quarterly habits become building blocks for a more fulfilling lifestyle.

In this video, Jesse lays out his process.

3 Words Exercise by Chris Brogan

The My Three Words method is a straightforward approach to shaping your year. Instead of setting resolutions that often fizzle out by mid-January, you choose three words that act as beacons guiding your decisions and actions throughout the year. These words function like lighthouses, helping you navigate your path toward long-term goals rather than focusing solely on immediate outcomes.

Selecting Your Three Words

To implement this method for 2024, start by reflecting on the results you want to achieve throughout the year. Choose three words that encapsulate the actions and mindset necessary for success. These words should inspire positive actions when faced with choices. For instance, if your goal is to travel more, consider a word like "Explore" to encourage you to seek new adventures.

Keep your chosen words simple yet impactful. When you face decisions or challenges, use these words as a litmus test. Ask yourself, "Does this align with my three words?" This ensures that your choices contribute to the overall journey and process rather than fixating on specific outcomes.

By incorporating the My 3 Words method into your approach for 2024, you'll have a powerful and positive framework to guide your daily actions, foster personal growth, and keep you focused on the journey rather than just the destination.

Check out Chris Brogan’s article on the topic.

12 Week Year by Brian Moran

Brian Moran's "12 Week Year" offers a transformative approach to personal development, emphasizing a condensed, results-driven planning method. 

By breaking down the traditional 12-month year into four focused quarters, each spanning 12 weeks, this strategy instills a sense of urgency and ensures sustained focus on short-term goals.

When you think of each week as a month, your sense of urgency increases and you strip away all the activities that don’t contribute to your goal. 

Applying these principles to your personal life can lead to enhanced productivity, improved goal attainment, and a more dynamic and adaptable approach to self-improvement.

Key Principles

1. Quarterly Focus

Divide the year into four distinct quarters, each with its own set of goals and priorities. This segmentation allows for a more manageable and actionable approach to personal growth. Identify key areas you want to improve and assign them to specific quarters, ensuring a laser-like focus on a manageable set of objectives.

2. Goal Setting

Set clear, measurable, and achievable goals for each 12-week period. Whether it's personal development, health and fitness, or career-related, define specific targets that can be realistically accomplished within the designated time frame. This clarity will serve as a roadmap for your journey towards self-improvement.

3. Weekly Planning Sessions

Engage in weekly planning sessions to map out the tasks and actions required to achieve your goals. Break down the quarterly objectives into smaller, actionable steps, and allocate time each week to work on these tasks. Regular planning sessions create a habit of intentional focus, preventing the drift that often occurs in long-term planning.

4. Accountability

Establish a system of accountability to track your progress. This could involve sharing your goals with a mentor, friend, or family member, or using tools like journals or apps to monitor your achievements. Having external accountability fosters discipline and ensures you stay on track during the 12-week period.

5. Mid-Quarter Review

At the midway point of each 12-week period, conduct a thorough review of your progress. Evaluate what's working, what needs adjustment, and make informed changes to your strategy if necessary. This proactive assessment prevents prolonged inefficiencies and allows for course correction, optimizing your chances of success.

6. Adaptability

Embrace adaptability as a core principle. Life is dynamic, and circumstances may change. Be willing to adjust your goals and plans based on evolving priorities or unexpected challenges. This flexibility ensures that you remain responsive to your own growth needs and external factors.

My 2024 Plan

I’m using all three methods to plan 2024. My plan will be finalized on December 30, 2023 and I’ll spend New Years Eve relaxing and reflecting on 2023 (reflecting on the past month, quarter and year is a valuable process in and of itself).

My 3 words are Less, Ask and Who.

Less is all about removing low value activities from my life by eliminating, automating or delegating. We all have enough time, it’s a question of where we invest it.

Ask means ask for help, ask who needs help, ask better questions, stay curious. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Who not how, inspired by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan, is all about switching from a “how to” mentality to “who to” mentality. Collaborations and partnerships lead to efficiencies, synergies and better solutions.

Jesse Itzler’s Approach

Following Jesse Itzler’s planning process was a blast. I laid out the big things I want to accomplish in 2024 and then let it marinate a bit. When I came back to review what I had written, my reaction was “if I’m sitting here a year from now and what’s written down happens, it will be the best year ever.”

Here’s a summary look at my plan:

Jan - Eat Carnivore & dry January
Feb - Nashville - Ryman Auditorium to see Band of Horses (trip is booked)
Mar - Argent Alpha Live event in Phoenix, AZ. Solo retreat
Apr - Achieve a 5 minute breath hold
May - Jackie's birthday month - do something unexpected for Level 60
Jun - 37th anniversary in NYC
Jul - Extended MN trip. Solo retreat.
Aug - Live in San Diego for a month (house is booked)
Sep - Argent Alpha course released, Argent Alpha Live event in MN
Oct - Valle De Guadalupe wine country trip, solo retreat.
Nov - Turn Level 60 and accomplish 6 weighted pull-ups @ 60 lbs and 8% body fat.
Dec - Publish Harder To Kill book

Now that I have my year planned at a high level, I’ll be layering in the next level of details using the 12 Week Year method. Viewing each 12 week period as a year and each week as a month ties into my 3 words - I’ll need to focus on Less, Ask for support, and bring in key Who’s to get it all done.

The result: all three planning methods working synergistically together.

So I have this part complete:

“Don’t start your year until you have it planned on paper first.”

Next up - Get to work and execute.

Call to Action

Now that you have an array of practical planning methods, the next step is to take action. Here's your call to action:

  • Pick Your Approach: Choose one or a combination of the methods mentioned above. Tailor it to suit your preferences and lifestyle.

  • Share with Others: Accountability is a powerful motivator. Share your plans with a friend or two. Encourage them to join you on this journey. Having someone to share successes and challenges with makes the process more enjoyable and sustainable. One of the reasons I shared my plan is to increase the odds it happens.

  • Recruit Allies: Don't keep these methods to yourself. Recruit friends, family, or colleagues to join you in planning for a better 2024. A shared commitment creates a supportive community that fosters collective growth.

  • Have Fun: Planning for the future doesn't have to be a tedious task. Infuse an element of fun into the process. Whether it's setting exciting goals, planning adventures, or simply enjoying the camaraderie of your planning group, make it an enjoyable experience.


As you stand on the cusp of 2024, remember that the power to shape your future lies in the decisions you make today. Embrace planning as a tool for creating a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Choose a method that resonates with you, share your aspirations with others, and embark on this journey with enthusiasm. Make 2024 your best year yet by making your future bigger than your present!

We are accepting applications through December 31, 2023 and will reopen them sometime in the first quarter 2024. If you want to close the year on a strong note and go into 2024 with momentum, join over 50 Men over 50 and go to Argent Alpha and apply today.