Secret Sauce Part II: Tools and Resources

Harder To Kill #043

In last week’s issue of Harder To Kill (issue #042) we unveiled the “secret sauce” of Argent Alpha.

We looked under the hood and shared a few of the key concepts we use:

  • The Definition of Harder To Kill

  • Future Self - Begin With The End In Mind

  • Alpha 5 - Setting Non-Negotiable Standards in 5 Key Areas

  • Monthly Testing as a means of making progress

This week, we are going to share some of the tools and resources we use to execute on the concepts above.

Mindset Tools and Resources


I recently posted about the importance of Education as part of the Argent Alpha Experience.

Below are some of the books that our members have read and refer to regularly.

The books tend to fall into two categories: personal development and longevity.

Becoming Harder To Kill requires a growth mindset. The leading authority on the topic is Carol Dweck. Per Dweck:

“In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.”

Henry Ford summarized this sentiment:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

Guest Speakers

Every month we have 1-2 guest speakers who have a message that connects directly to personal development, longevity, performance, and/or mindset. These speakers will often tailor their message to Men over 50.

Some of the key “leave behinds” from our guest speakers include books to read, frameworks to apply, personal development exercises to implement and critical questions to ask ourselves.

Morning & Evening Routine

We start and end the day with a routine. The morning routine kicks the day off and typically includes planning your day, setting intentions, reviewing goals, and checking in with your Future Self.

We call the evening routine the Victory Lap where we record the day’s wins, challenges and preview the following day.

Both routines will typically include some kind of gratitude practice.

I use a Moleskine classic journal with a Horween leather journal cover. My favorite pen is a copper pen by Ateleia Craft + Design (made in Phoenix, AZ). Using tools like this makes each routine a ritual I look forward to.

If you want some examples of morning routines used by high performers, check this out.

Sleep Tools and Resources

Overall Approach To Sleep

There is no shortage of internet sleep advice. We keep coming back to the advice of Andrew Huberman and his toolkit for sleep.

A sleep strategy you can easily implement tonight is covered in issue #019 of Harder To Kill.

Oura ring

In issue #039 of Harder To Kill we did a deep dive into the Oura ring. Wearable tech like the Oura ring and Whoop strap give you insights into your sleep and recovery and help you take action to improve both.

Solfeggio Frequencies

The right kind of music can help you drift off to sleep. My wife and I have been going to sleep to nature sounds for years and we recently started experimenting with Solfeggio frequencies.

Nutrition Tools and Resources

Macro Calculator

Our go-to resource for calculating calories, macros, macro ratios and overall planning for nutrition is the Precision Nutrition calculator. It is a free resource that prompts you with a few questions and then delivers a customized plan for you. If you aren’t sure where to start, this is the place.


Most of our members use MyFitnessPal to plan and track their meals. It’s easy to use and helps you fine tune your nutrition to hit your goals.


The InBody scan is the tool we recommend for testing body composition. Low cost and widely available, you’ll learn why weight and BMI are not what you should be focusing on. Body fat, muscle mass, cellular water levels, segmental analysis and trends are valuable pieces of information delivered by InBody.


While not widely used by our members, I’ve been using the Lumen for over a year to improve my metabolic flexibility.

Lumen helps you improve your metabolism by varying the timing and quantity of the carbohydrates you consume.

Fitness Tools and Resources

Resistance training is at the core of our proprietary training program Argent Alpha Athlete (A3). To learn why, read issue #003 of Harder To Kill.

We use the Wodify app to store our training programs and videos. We have 4 seasons of training throughout the year and each season builds on itself.

We leverage the principles of progressive overload and periodization to help Men over 50 preserve and/or build strength and muscle. There are no health benefits to getting weaker as you age.

Mobility Kit

Our training program includes a comprehensive mobility library to help Men improve their range of motion, decrease the risk of injury and improve strength gains. We use all of the items included in the Argent Alpha mobility kit.

To learn more about the importance of mobility, read issue #034 of Harder To Kill.


Each month we test six different movements which are correlated to longevity. You can get a copy by visiting our website.

Hydration Tools and Resources

The number one tool you need to hit your daily hydration target is a water bottle.

Determine your total ounces of water per day (minimum of 50% of your weight in ounces) and divide that number by the number of ounces in your water bottle.

Example: a 208 lb man would need to drink at least 104 ounces per day.

The Argent Alpha water bottle is 26 ounces. Drink at least 4 full bottles per day to hit your target. Start early by drinking your first bottle within 30 minutes of waking.

And remember your electrolytes. We like LMNT but you can make your own.


Men are tempted to find a shortcut, a hack or a quick fix. The dozens of Men in Argent Alpha achieve success by focusing on the fundamentals. They major in the majors, not the minors.

We overestimate what we can achieve short-term and underestimate what we can achieve long-term. Play the long game.

Thanks for reading Harder To Kill. If you got some value out of today’s newsletter, share this newsletter with a friend.

There are two kinds of Men:

1) The kind who are DIYers…they will try and self-implement. If you have the time, skills and discipline to remodel your house, change your oil and do your own legal work, this option is for you.

Most will fail, some will succeed. This is not a criticism of them, it is simply a reality. But you never know until you try so give it a shot. Start today.

2) The kind who recognize they need expert guidance. This group is interested in results and are willing to invest resources to achieve results. They know themselves well enough that without accountability, guidance and expectations, they will drift back to old habits. They need a forcing function.

If you are in the second group, Argent Alpha might be a fit for you. If you follow the program, you will become Harder To Kill.

Our process is designed to get Men results in the appropriate amount of time.

There are no shortcuts or hacks. If you buy into the program, do the work, follow your standards, engage with the community, do regular testing and adjust your plan based on testing you will get results. We have dozens of examples to support this.

You can read testimonials from our members in my LinkedIn profile (scroll down to the recommendations section).

To take next steps apply now. I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.