Extreme Ownership: Reframe the Blame

Harder To Kill #024

A big part of what makes our community work is accountability.

It’s the feedback mechanism that immediately tells you if someone is making forward progress or spinning their wheels.

The traditional definition of Accountability: taking ownership of what happens as a result of your choices and actions.

But that’s not enough. What if something happens that keeps you from your goals that is not a result of your choices or actions? Then what?

Enter Jocko Willink. He calls it Extreme Ownership.

Extreme Ownership is the practice of owning everything in your world, to an extreme degree. It means you are responsible for not just those tasks which you directly control, but for all those that affect whether or not your mission is successful.

Extreme Ownership is about owning the result no matter what.

Own Everything, Blame Nothing.

When you take extreme ownership of a problem or outcome you are seeking, you don’t waste time on blame you invest time in the solution.

As we relate this to becoming Harder To Kill, here are some common “blames” that can be reframed:

  • I have a busy schedule

  • My wife doesn’t support my new habits

  • I travel a lot

  • My clients are demanding

  • I’m not interested in learning about _____

  • I have bad genetics

  • I have a sweet tooth

Reframe the Blame

If you are busy, re-prioritize. Drop lower value activities.

If your wife doesn’t support your new habits, rewind and explain what your objectives are and why you need her support.

If you travel a lot, get better at planning.

If your clients are demanding, learn how to set boundaries.

If you aren’t interested in something important to achieving your objectives, learn how to “tell time”…you don’t need to learn how to build the watch.

You can’t change your genetics but you can change your lifestyle.

Find a healthier substitute for your sweet tooth. Low sugar, high protein Greek yogurt with mixed berries (I like frozen organ berries from Costco) tastes great and is low in sugar and calories.

Take Massive Action

Tony Robbins is famous for these words.

The concept of taking massive action simply means that you commit to taking action until you get your desired results.

That’s extreme ownership.

Here’s how you can take massive action:

Write down 3 things about your health that you know you need to take action on. A few examples include:

  • eliminating your gut

  • improving your sleep

  • eating better

  • changing you mindset

  • committing to a fitness program

  • becoming more flexible

  • hiring a coach

  • drinking less alcohol

  • building healthy relationships.

Write down all of the things you can think of.

Now prioritize them to your top 3.

Take massive action on the #1 priority.

It doesn’t matter if you know nothing about the priority you identified. Go back to the beginning of this article and read the definition of Extreme Ownership.

Own it.

Figure it out.

Talk to people who model the behavior and habits you want.

Then start adopting those behaviors and habits.

Victim or Victor…you get to choose.

Start taking massive action today.

If you are a Man Over 50 and want to join dozens of other Men who are taking extreme ownership of their health and becoming Harder to Kill, visit Argent Alpha to take the next step.

Each member who completes the first 100 days of the Argent Alpha Upgrade receives this challenge coin.

Memento Mori is a Latin phrase meaning ‘remember you must die’. This is a reminder that our days are finite so make the most of them.

We add “Not Today” to emphasize that you have today in front of you to take massive action. Make the most of it or waste it. It’s up to you.