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Unlocking the Power of Napoleon Hill’s Wisdom: Transforming the Second Half of Life

Harder To Kill #067

Mastermind in Action

Each newsletter I write for a number of people:

  • Men over 50

  • People who care about a Man over 50

  • Argent Alpha Member

  • Myself

  • 20 something women

That last one might have thrown you. 

My daughter shared a text she received from a friend of hers, a mom in her late 20’s. She loves this weekly newsletter and says she read every one of them. Young mom in her late 20’s, this one’s for you (you know who you are).

You never know who your words might have a positive impact on. 

Yes, my target market is Men over 50. But I’m also writing to anyone who wants to make something more of their life.

And speaking of making more of your life, in this week’s newsletter, I’m going to dive into the work of one of the OG’s of personal development. (Back to who I’m writing for, if OG is foreign to you, here you go.)

Napoleon Hill laid the foundation for the transformative principles that have become the bedrock of countless success stories. As we navigate the second half of life, Hill's teachings offer an invaluable roadmap for personal growth and health improvement. Let’s dive in.

Napoleon Hill's Influence on Personal Development Leaders

Hill's fingerprints are on every decade of personal development, influencing some of the brightest minds in the industry. Leaders such as Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, and Brian Tracy have drawn inspiration from Hill's timeless wisdom. As men seeking to make the second half of life the best half, these principles offer more than just a roadmap; they provide the keys to unlocking a life of purpose and vitality.

Below are six of the top concepts Hill wrote about that you can apply to your second half.

Defining Your Definite Purpose: A Compass for Success

Clarity is power. Hill stresses the importance of articulating your goals and ambitions. Define your definite purpose - this becomes your compass, guiding your decisions and actions. Men over 50, facing the challenges of the second half, need a clear destination to make this phase not just fruitful but extraordinary. Without it, many will drift into the decline of retirement. Lots of golf, expanding waistlines, and nothing to pursue.

This concept is directly connected to the idea of creating a vision for your life.

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” – Lewis Carroll

Mastering the Power of Positive Thinking: Shaping Your Reality

Bad knees, migraines, stock market down, politicians, work schedules. Once you pass the half century mark, there is a lot to complain about.

You can hear it in the language patterns people use. Men who are confident, optimistic, hopeful and focused on what they control think and speak very differently from men who are non-commital, stuck in ruts, and complain about things they can’t control.

Hill's teachings emphasize the profound impact of thoughts on reality. Cultivate positivity, replace doubt with belief, and witness the transformative power of optimism. Your attitude is the key determinant of your altitude, especially as you carve out the best years of your life.

One way to stay positive: Don’t let the old man in.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”― Henry Ford

Building a Mastermind Alliance: The Strength in Unity

The importance of a supportive community cannot be overstated. Hill encourages forming alliances with like-minded individuals. 

Surround yourself with those who share your vision, creating a mastermind group that amplifies strengths and provides collaborative energy. Together, you can achieve far more than you could alone.

Argent Alpha is a band of brothers all united in becoming “Harder to Kill.” We work on improving body composition (burning fat and increasing muscle), reversing biological age and overall improving our health so we can operate at an optimal level. 

But the “X” factor is BELONGING to a group of Men who aren’t settling for average. A group of Men who have expectations of each other. In issue #018 I wrote about why you need friends who expect more of you.

"Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you." - Roy T. Bennett

Taking Inspired Action with a Definite Plan: Bridging Dreams and Reality

Dreams become reality through purposeful action. Hill teaches that a definite plan, coupled with consistent action, forms the bridge between aspirations and achievements. In the pursuit of making the second half the best, having a concrete plan and executing it consistently is paramount.

The way we implement Hill’s advice on this is through the guts of our program - The Alpha 5. 

We all have standards in our life, the problem is they tend to be default standards.

Someone brings in donuts to the office, do you have them? Probably, because your default standard is to say “why not?” 

The Alpha 5 is about DESIGNING standards in 5 areas of life and then leveraging Pearson’s Law to your benefit by measuring and reporting your compliance with the standard you design.

"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." - Jim Rohn

Embracing the Habit of Continuous Learning: Lifelong Growth

When you stop learning, you stop living. Hill's philosophy underscores the correlation between education and success. As you advance in years, commit to lifelong learning. 

Acquire new skills, meet new people, broaden your knowledge, and stay ahead in a world that rewards adaptability and knowledge.

And remember, lifelong learning isn’t just about acquiring knowledge, it’s about putting that knowledge into action. I’ve met dozens of Men who tell me they know how to workout and eat right yet they are 30%+ body fat. Knowing and not doing is not knowing.

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein

Maintaining a Burning Desire for Success: The Fuel for Resilience

Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach said "The only way to make your present better is by making your future bigger.” 

This concept encapsulates the idea that personal and professional growth is essential for improving one's current circumstances. By emphasizing the importance of expanding one's future possibilities, Sullivan suggests that the key to enhancing the quality of the present lies in setting ambitious goals and continuously working towards them. 

I believe that in order to be fully alive, vibrant and happy Men need to be pursuing something and this pursuit is driven by a burning desire for success. 

We simply want to be good at something, maybe even great. 

For a big chunk of our lives it has been building our families and careers. But what happens once you retire and the kids are adults living on their own?  Or you are at a crossroads and not sure what to do?

You redefine what you are pursuing. You reinvent. Some examples of pursuits from our members:

  • Health & fitness (all of them)

  • Business expansion

  • Selling a business

  • Volunteering

  • Career change

  • Raising children

  • Starting a new business (yes, after 50)

  • Mentoring younger people

  • Starting a non-profit

  • Being a world class grandparent

  • Partnering with your spouse on something

  • Supporting your children in a business endeavor

  • Career continuation (if you love it, why retire?)

This perspective underscores the notion that stagnation or complacency can hinder progress and limit the potential for positive change in the present moment.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

Applying Hill's Teachings to Overcome Challenges

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Redefining What's Possible

Navigating the second half often involves confronting limiting beliefs, especially when it comes to health, fitness and mindset. Hill's teachings empower you to challenge and overcome these mental barriers. Define your purpose clearly, master positive thinking, and build a supportive alliance to silence the inner critic that may emerge.

Sticking with Transformation: The Power of Consistency

Transformational journeys are challenging. Hill's principles guide you in developing a definite plan and taking inspired action. Consistency is the key to lasting change. Embrace challenges as opportunities, and let your burning desire for success propel you forward when the going gets tough. Lean on your band of brothers for ideas and support.

Shifting Identity for Healthier Habits: Becoming the Best Version of You

Improving health in the second half involves a shift in identity. Embrace continuous learning and surround yourself with a mastermind alliance that supports healthier habits. Your identity is not fixed; it can evolve to align with the healthiest version of yourself. We regularly talk about creating your Future Self which requires an identity shift.

Looking at Inspirations, Not Intimidations: A Mastermind Perspective

As you progress in the second half, view those ahead of you as inspirations, not intimidations. Build a band of brothers that includes individuals who have navigated this terrain successfully. Learn from their experiences and let their achievements fuel your burning desire for success.

Napoleon Hill's Must-Reads: A Short Summary of Each

If you are new to Napoleon Hill (or haven’t read his material in awhile), check out at least one of these classics:

  • "Think and Grow Rich" - This is one of Hill's most famous and influential works, emphasizing the power of positive thinking and mindset in achieving financial success. Here is a link to a free digital copy.

  • "The Law of Success" - This is a precursor to "Think and Grow Rich" and provides a more comprehensive exploration of success principles, covering a wide range of aspects that contribute to personal and professional achievement. Here is a link to a free digital copy.

  • "Outwitting the Devil" - In this book, Hill explores overcoming the negative forces that can impede success and happiness. It delves into the concept of overcoming personal obstacles and achieving one's full potential. Here is a link to a free digital copy.

  • "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" - Co-authored with W. Clement Stone, this book focuses on the transformative power of maintaining a positive mental attitude in various aspects of life, not just in the pursuit of financial success. Here is a link to a free digital copy.

  • "The Master-Key to Riches" - This book serves as a practical guide, providing keys and principles that can be used to unlock wealth and success in different areas of life.

  • "How to Sell Your Way Through Life" - This work delves into the art of selling and the principles that can lead to success not only in sales but also in various aspects of life where persuasion and influence play a role.

Empowering Your Journey: Where to Start with Hill's Teachings Conclusion

Many of you reading this today are familiar with Napoleon Hill. Embrace Napoleon Hill's wisdom to transform the second half of life into a period of growth, not decline. Of abundance, not scarcity. Of possibilities, not unappealing options.

Start by defining your definite purpose, mastering positive thinking, building a supportive alliance, and taking inspired action. 

Dive into Hill's books, each a treasure trove of transformative principles, and let his teachings be the catalyst for your personal growth journey.

While we aren’t accepting new members until later this quarter, you can apply now and join our waitlist.

Follow me on LinkedIn to get more tips and ideas on making the 2nd half of life the best half!