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- Avoid The All Or Nothing Trap With This 2 Step Approach
Avoid The All Or Nothing Trap With This 2 Step Approach
Harder To Kill #046

One of the things I have noticed in myself and the dozens of other Men over 50 I work with is this:
We tend to be all or nothing personalities.
If we can’t go all in, we say screw it (sooner or later) and move on.
We see Men further ahead than us in the journey and it can be discouraging. We realize how far behind we are and rather than face the challenge, we rationalize our current course and speed as being ok.
We start telling ourselves a story that doesn’t serve us and we either quit or never get started.
“Now isn’t a good time, busy schedules, my situation is different, my joints are damaged, I can start a program on my own” are all common stories. One of the most ironic - “I need to get in shape before I start.”
We promise we will return to our health when things “settle down.”
The problem is that day never comes.
Or it comes too late. We all have people in our lives who learned this the hard way.
I needed to find an approach that helped Men over 50 overcome what Steven Pressfield calls “The Resistance”.
Resistance is anything that stops you from taking action including self doubt, procrastination, fear and past experiences. It keeps us from pursuing our dreams and realizing our full potential.
The Two Step Approach
The two step approach comes at Resistance from opposite directions.
Step 1: Determine what “all in” means and get super specific about it. Think of this as a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) and make it way larger than what you currently think is realistic.
Write down the BHAG and the process required to achieve the BHAG.
We all fall in love with the BHAG and the outcomes that comes along with it. It’s the process required to achieve those outcomes that tends to prevent us from starting and/or sticking to it.
Imagine this as a half court shot in basketball…it should feel that challenging.
Step 2: Ask yourself “what’s the least I can do that’s on the list?” Pick one thing off your Step 1 list, something so easy to do that you might even laugh at how easy it is.
Back to hoops…imagine this is you shooting a layup with no one guarding you on an 8’ foot rim. You wouldn’t even think about it, you would just do it.
Compare step 1 and step 2 for a moment. Realize they are on the same path, the same continuum, just different points. They are connected and closer than you think.
Start with step 2 and don’t worry about step 1 for now.
You can apply this approach to anything.
Here’s an example:
Going “all in” on fitness, step 1, might look like this:
BHAG: Improve body composition from 34% body fat to 15% body fat, drop 40 lbs of fat, add 5 lbs of muscle, and have the strength to perform 10 strict pull-ups, 40 chest to deck push-ups and 30 burpees in 2 minutes or less.
Process to achieve BHAG: Perform strength training 4x a week and spend between 45 and 60 minutes in the gym, performing 15-20 sets each session. Perform zone 5 (high intensity) training 1-2x a week and zone 2 training (low intensity) 2-3x a week. Stack the zone 5 training after a strength session to save some time. Pay attention to steps and aim for 10k steps per day. Track every workout and record progress and make adjustments along the way based on a monthly InBody scan.
This step 1 is not for the timid. And if you have a demanding job, business travel and some kids at home, it is unlikely to happen.
Step 2, what’s the least I can do, might look like this:
Each morning I’m going to do push-ups and air squats for 2 minutes before I get in the shower. I’ll write them down and tomorrow I might try and do a few more reps or 1-2 more minutes.
Very different workout routines.
Here’s what’s great about the step 2 approach. It takes the pressure off of you from trying to do something that just isn’t sustainable for you (at least today) but it gets you started.
It helps you “put points on the board” and start building momentum. We can all find a spare 5 minutes. And over time, 5 minutes turns into 10 minutes. Then 10 minutes turns into a trip to the gym or a meeting with a trainer. You find yourself parking the car further away and watch your step count climb. You take the stairs more often. You randomly drop and do 5-10 pushups throughout the day. Your diet starts shifting towards healthier choices. Sleep improves. Pounds of fat start melting off.
After 6 months, you might be doing something very similar to the Step 1 workout and maybe have achieved many of the BHAGs you set.
Yesterday’s half court shot eventually becomes today’s layup.
It’s Not Just For Fitness
The foundation of our approach at Argent Alpha is establishing standards in 5 key areas called the Alpha 5:
Everyone has default settings in the Alpha 5 whether they realize it or not.
Moving from default standards to designed standards is what drives amazing health transformations.
Taking the Two Step approach to the Alpha 5 is a great way to get started and help you avoid the all or nothing trap.
Below is an example of how you can apply the Two Step approach:

Each week, take a look at your step 2 results. Celebrate the progress and write down your observations. How challenging or easy it was, how you feel, what you are experiencing, etc.
Measure the gains from where you started to keep your focus on the progress you are making.
And for all the people starting a program where you will be surrounded by others further along in the journey, you will be faced with a choice.
Am I choosing to be inspired or intimidated by others?
Make the choice before starting.
At Argent Alpha, we have numerous Men over 50 (and 60!) doing strict pull-ups, eating healthy, reducing (or giving up) alcohol, dropping body fat and looking and feeling better than ever.
Confidence levels in this group are sky high. They are living life at a different level, a higher frequency.
You can be one of them if you make the choice.
It is critical to make the choice at the beginning. If you choose to be inspired, you’ll focus on your progress.
If you choose to be intimidated, you’ll create excuses and kick the can down the road.
To make this decision easier, follow the Be Do Have model.
Be someone who takes control of their health.
Do the things a healthy person does.
Have the health they enjoy.
I invite you to choose inspiration over intimidation.
Next Steps
Combine the Two Step Approach with the Be Do Have model.
Choose to be inspired by others and use them as models to follow.
Measure your progress from where you started and celebrate the gains.
Start today.
Argent Alpha provides the structure, community, testing and accountability drivers that help Men over 50 become Harder To Kill.
Harder To Kill means shedding excess body fat, preserving and adding muscle, reversing biological age and most importantly transforming your mindset and identity to make the changes lasting and sustainable.
The best time to join Argent Alpha was 6 months ago.
The next best time is today.
Make the 2nd half of life the best half. Apply now at Argent Alpha.